Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Heat is On and...

you need to pay special attention to your dogs.
Once the temperature gets above 75 degrees you CAN NEVER LEAVE YOUR DOG IN THE CAR UNATTENDED. While you might think its cool enough with windows cracked or the sunroof open , it can still reach temps above 105 degrees in a matter of minutes.Temperatures this high will actually cook your dog! So you might think it would be nice to take your dog for a ride, but do them a favor and leave them home.
Water is very important...lots of cold fresh water. Once I hear the weather is getting warm, I start freezing big ice cubes. I use a 3 inch round tupperware container. The trick is keeping the dogs from removing the cube from the water bucket.
Bailey and Margaux...beating the heat.
Just like people exercise should be limited during the heat of the day. If your dog needs to run keep it to the early morning and late evening.
Dogs can suffer from heat stroke and it requires immediate emergency treatment. Dogs do not tolerate high temperatures as well as humans. Because dogs cool their body by panting, when the temperature is close to the thier body temperature it becomes difficult to cool their bodies.
Heat stroke begins with rapid, frantic , noisy breathing, the tongue is bright red, and saliva is thick. They will frequently vomit and their temperature can reach 106 degrees or higher. It is very important to cool your dog immediately and get them to a vet.
If possible keep your dog in a cool place. If your dog needs to stay outside, make sure he has shade all day and plenty of water that can't possibly be knocked over. If possible provide the dog with a pool of water.
Now if you should be crazy enough to exercise in 90 degree heat during the middle of the day, do your dog a favor and leave them home.

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