As I sit here watching the miracle of life playing out in the whelping box, I have more questions than answers. It amazes me how nature and nurture work hand in hand to allow these puppies to survive. How does a new mother have the instinct to clean these babies, gently pick them up and despite complete exhaustion not sit or lie on them? Never having smelled their mother before how do these blind deaf minutes old puppies manage to seek out their mother for sustenance?
My babies are safe and warm with a mother who is well fed and yet my thoughts wander to some of the horror stories I hear about where homeless mother give birth under cars, in shelters and in the wild alone and cold. It breaks my heart and angers my soul that people are not responsible for their animals. Or worse think they can breed dogs and relinquish all responsibility as soon as those puppies leave the premises.
As these babies lie in the whelping box I can't help but wonder what will their lives be like? How can anyone watch puppies curled up and cooing in the box and consider turning them into fighting dogs, or bait dogs or even abusing such an animal? What is it in a human that turns them so evil?
For a person such as myself the 9 weeks from conception to birth is long and fretful. he first few weeks the question of the day is, will we have puppies because despite the millions of unwanted dogs in the country when we want a litter it sometimes doesn't happen!
As my bitches belly starts to swell my mind turns to all the things that could go wrong during labor. For some reason puppies like to come in the middle of the night. Another question not answered. Does the cover of darkness make the bitch feel safer delivering her pups?
As delivery day unfolds, the bitch becomes increasingly nervous and as the actual arrival of the first puppies she begins to pant and push and within moments she has delivered a puppy, severed the umbilical cord and eaten the placenta. Nature at it's best. When the puppies are all delivered does the mother want to move them away from the birth site because of the scent or does she just want a cleaner area? More questions. As the days pass and the puppies continue to grow I still can't sit by the whelping box and not be amazed by the eighth wonder of the world the miracle of birth and survival.
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